I love Halloween! It is quite possibly my favourite holiday. Today I
bring you a few picks from Vegan Etsy team members to help you celebrate
in style.
Check out the vegan Halloween caramels from Feed Your Face! Caramel-y and delicious.
Greet your guests with a handmade 8x10 Samhain signed print from Dark Faerie Creations
on the door.
Get a set of skull stitch markers from Vegancraftastic so even your knitting can be in the spirit of the season.
Kitty can celebrate too on a pumpkin print cat blanket from Luns'a Apawthecary.
A wee pirate ghost by Panda With Cookie can haunt your desk cubicle for fun.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Celebrate Halloween Vegan Etsy Style
vegan mofo,
veganetsy team
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Cookies for me?
Check out these adorable crocheted cookie magnets from Aletha's shop, Radical Fringe! Now you can enjoy the happiness of cookies all the time... without the calories. ;)
Friday, October 21, 2011
So... where DO you get your protein?

So, if all cows eat is grass... where's all that protein come from?
Well, cows' flesh is of course made of protein. And cows are meant to eat little else other than grass. The big secret, known by vegans everywhere? PLANT MATTER CONTAINS PROTEIN! What a revelation. And if we add this pair of twos, we get the following four: if cows can get protein from plants, we can too.
Personally, some of my favorite places to get protein are almonds, almond milk, bread, quinoa, and a variety of legumes.
What are YOUR favorite vegan sources of protein?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
A classic: the What Vegans Eat chart
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Vegan MoFo - more than half over!
Vegan MoFo 2011 is just whizzing by! It's practically 2/3 over, and as usual it's nearly impossible to keep up with all the amazing blogging that's going on. Before it's all through, try to take a peek at these great teamie blogs:
My Zoetrope
Panda With Cookie
Vegans on the Move
Kittee: Craft Maker to the Stars
Miss Muffcake
Veggie Amanda (Newman Improved)
The Traveling Austin Vegan
Enjoy these great reads, happy MoFo, and go vegans!!
My Zoetrope
Panda With Cookie
Vegans on the Move
Kittee: Craft Maker to the Stars
Miss Muffcake
Veggie Amanda (Newman Improved)
The Traveling Austin Vegan
Enjoy these great reads, happy MoFo, and go vegans!!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Everybody loves CUPCAKES! Meet: Tea Loves Cake
Please welcome one of our newest team members, Leah of Tea Loves Cake and FenDove. While over at FenDove you'll find her artistic creations, at Tea Loves Cake you will find an abundance of CUPCAKES!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Good enough to eat! Part Two.
Who doesn't love to wear their food?! No, we're not encouraging a food fight. Check out these awesome and adorable ways to wear your veggie pride!

Eat Kale Daily tote from Eat Your VegTees
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Happy World Food Day!!
Today has been declared World Food Day! This is the perfect time to take a hard look at your food, where it's coming from, and how your purchasing choices affect the world around you. Many of us are well into this process, but it's important never to stop questioning, probing, and learning. Our food environment changes daily, and there is nothing on the planet that isn't touched in some way by the food industry. There is nothing more fundamental or crucial than food, and it deserves our full attention.
The Organic Consumers Association has taken today as an opportunity to create Millions Against Monsanto - the company which (often together with Dow Chemical) has pioneered so many of the modern food industry's atrocities. GMOs are a hotbed of debate, and Monsato is at its white hot core. Learn more! Get educated! And remember, one of the best ways to affect change is to simply reduce demand.
The Organic Consumers Association has taken today as an opportunity to create Millions Against Monsanto - the company which (often together with Dow Chemical) has pioneered so many of the modern food industry's atrocities. GMOs are a hotbed of debate, and Monsato is at its white hot core. Learn more! Get educated! And remember, one of the best ways to affect change is to simply reduce demand.

Saturday, October 15, 2011
Everybody loves fudge. It's a scientifically proven fact. I developed this rocky road fudge recipe in homage to days gone past, spending holidays around tons of relatives who would bake up a storm. Those days are gone but the memories remain, and now this fudge has become part of my holiday tradition.
Some additional notes...
*I like to use three 1 oz. squares of semi-sweet and six of unsweetened - plenty of sugar is added later!
*If you have bought a normal size can of coconut milk, this recipe is only going to use about a third of it. You may want to think about creative ways to use the rest - coconut milk goes bad quickly once opened! Of course, you *could* always make a triple batch...
*The rum here is optional - you can up the milk to 1/4 cup and leave it out. But I like the tiny punch it gives, and I swear it doesn't leave the fudge tasting very rummy. Conversely, you can do a full quarter cup and leave the milk out entirely!
*Eternal thanks to Celine of Have Cake, Will Travel, whose whiskey peanut fudge recipe started me on all of my crazy fudgy journeys.
- 2 cups of chocolate, coarsely chopped then measured
- 2 cups (yes really, two cups) of powdered sugar (confectioners sugar)
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1/8 cup "milk" (I use Almond Breeze, but use whatever floats your boat - soy, rice, hemp, whatev)
- 1/8 cup rum
- 2 tsp. vanilla extract
- 1 cup marshmallows, quartered then measured
- 1 and 1/2 cups walnuts, measured then roughly chopped
- Melt your chocolate. You can use a double boiler for this, but I've actually found that it isn't necessary. It's much more helpful to have a nonstick pot! Stir constantly, and remove from heat as soon as you only have a few little lumps yet. You want to heat your chocolate as little as possible, because you have to let it return to room temperature before using it. How does it stay liquid when it started out solid? Magic.
- Line a 9x13 pan with parchment paper. I swear, this is why parchment exists, and I love it.
- Chop your walnuts - how big or small depends on how you like it.
- Quarter your marshmallows. I've used Dandies for this, but I feel that Sweet and Sara's would be wonderful as well - just a little pricey maybe. Note: marshmallows are very sticky when you cut them open! I find it helpful to use some powdered sugar on the chopping board and on my hands to coat the newly exposed sides, so that the marshmallows don't stick to the board, each other, or me... (Of course, if you can get ahold of the mini Dandies, no chopping is necessary!)
- In a large bowl, whisk together coconut milk, other milk, rum, extract, and powdered sugar.
(If your powdered sugar has little sugar rocks in it, run it through a sieve or sifter first.) Mix in your marshmallows and walnuts. (This is about when I switch from a whisk to a spatula. Walnuts + whisk = baagghhh.)
- Stir in your ROOM TEMPERATURE chocolate. Seriously people. It cannot be hot... unless of course you want to make fudge soup.
- Pour/scoop the mixture into your prepared pan, and use a spatula to spread it not quite to the edges.
- Refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours, until completely firm. Then break into chunks or cut up, display nicely on a plate, and watch your loved ones go wild.
Some additional notes...
*I like to use three 1 oz. squares of semi-sweet and six of unsweetened - plenty of sugar is added later!
*If you have bought a normal size can of coconut milk, this recipe is only going to use about a third of it. You may want to think about creative ways to use the rest - coconut milk goes bad quickly once opened! Of course, you *could* always make a triple batch...
*The rum here is optional - you can up the milk to 1/4 cup and leave it out. But I like the tiny punch it gives, and I swear it doesn't leave the fudge tasting very rummy. Conversely, you can do a full quarter cup and leave the milk out entirely!
*Eternal thanks to Celine of Have Cake, Will Travel, whose whiskey peanut fudge recipe started me on all of my crazy fudgy journeys.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Oh fuuuudge...
Cooler weather also means it's time for fudge. It's fun and easy to make your own, and I'm going to share my favorite recipe with you... tomorrow! Today, feast your eyes on some of the best fudgilicious goodies the VET has to offer...
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Autumn = PUMPKIN!
Even way down here in the deep south, a cool crisp is in the air. And fall can only mean one thing: winter squash! Today, a celebration of that grand orange globe, the pumpkin...
Shopping Guides,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
How about some "milk" chocolate? Meet NO Whey Candies!
For some people, milk chocolate is just where it's at. However, as conscious consumers we know that milk is the pits, and that companies like Hershey's and Mars are NOT the cat's meow. Enter NO Whey Candies! This shop has been kicking around the team for a while now, but they've really never gotten a proper introduction. This is one shop, though, that you want to know about! Because milk chocolate lovers who shun all things dairy can rejoice. Below, Stacie shares the NO Whey story and divulges the details of their delicious treats...
Make sure to check out her "killer" kabobs - Halloween happiness on a stick!!
When my brother became vegan he said he could eat this way forever but he had to have milk chocolate. My mom came up with an alternative which satisfied even my picky brother! So we started off veganizing all of our old favorites, but have evolved into much more. The favorites these days are the Cranberry, Cashew Bark, and Caramel and Sea Salt.
NO Whey! Candies offers a healthier alternative to snacking. We have non dairy alternatives as well as gluten free and soy-less choices. Our ingredients use no hydrogenated oils and have no trans fats.We make heart healthy dark chocolate as well as a milkless “milk” chocolate in many combinations.
Our chocolates are hand made in a commercial kitchen. We are happy to speak with you about gift orders and adding our special touch to your events. You may speak to Ethel or Stacie Wernick at 216-544-3057 or convo us through our Etsy shop, NO Whey Candies!
Make sure to check out her "killer" kabobs - Halloween happiness on a stick!!
new members,
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
The Vegan Etsy Team excels in many fields. Luckily for everyone, one of them is COOKIES! Behold, a peek at the amazing array of treats our teamies create...
And even cookies for your kitties! Catnip cookies from Luna's Apawthecary, that is. ;)
Monday, October 10, 2011
Good enough to eat!
Here at the Vegan Etsy Team, we love food! The only thing we love almost as much eating awesome vegan food is delighting in adorable handmade items that look like food. :)

Lettuce Relax from Radical Fringe (AlethaFaye)
Kawaii felt cupcake pin from Toboggan Hill

Stir Fry Plushies from Panda with Cookie
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Take it to go!
With our hectic, 0n-the-go lives, we all struggle with finding the best ways to reduce waste while still remembering to eat lunch and get the grocery shopping done. Luckily, teamie Johnson Family Zoo provides us with great options for food transport! Shop proprietor Lisa crafts super-useful sandwich bags and produce bags in a wide range of fun colors and patterns. Eco-friendly fun for the grocery store and farmer's market, school and work lunch, and wherever else life takes you!

Shopping Guides,
vegan etsy team,
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Spice it up!
What's life without a little spice? There's a common misconception that vegan food is bland and boring. When vegans are asked if we get bored with our foodstuffs, we can't help but laugh! Vegans eat some of the most flavorful food around, in part because we take so much care in what we eat.
For you vegan home chefs out there looking for some new zing in your recipes, check out teamie Twig & Leaf Botanicals. They offer a wide range of spice blends, whole herbs, and gourmet salts to put even more kick in your kitchen!
For you vegan home chefs out there looking for some new zing in your recipes, check out teamie Twig & Leaf Botanicals. They offer a wide range of spice blends, whole herbs, and gourmet salts to put even more kick in your kitchen!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Dish it out.
We vegans love to eat! And with all the celebrating of food that we do, it's no surprise that we also like to do it in style.
Teamie Jeanette Zeis creates and sells beautiful "vegan" dishware in her shop Vegan Dish. Got non-vegan roommates? Here's an easy way to say, this bowl is mine. And around the office, you can proudly proclaim that your coffee is creamed with soy!

Teamie Jeanette Zeis creates and sells beautiful "vegan" dishware in her shop Vegan Dish. Got non-vegan roommates? Here's an easy way to say, this bowl is mine. And around the office, you can proudly proclaim that your coffee is creamed with soy!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Add this to your Halloween basket: Vegan Caramels! Meet:
Please welcome our very new teamie, Nicole of Feed Your Face! She's creating amazing gourmet vegan caramels in delectable flavors like Pumpkin Spice, Mulled Apple Cider, and Spicy Dark Chocolate. How could your Halloween be complete without them?? Check out Nicole's awesome selection of goodies and don't forget to make her your new favorite!
new members,
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Get ready for your VEGAN HALLOWEEN!!
Everyone loves to have a scary time on Halloween! But what's a bit too scary is the ingredients used in many store-bought candies. You can avoid the frustration by buying handmade goodies from the Vegan Etsy Team!

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies from Veganville!

or Scotcharoos from Sweet V Confections

And what's halloween without some decorations? Check out these adorable plushies from Panda with Cookie!

Kitties love Halloween too! Let them celebrate in style with this festive kitty bed from Luna's Apawthecary.

And finally, don't forget to give yourself a little bit of flare! This adorable pumpkin pin from Vegancraftastic should do the trick.
Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Whoopie Pies from Veganville!

or Scotcharoos from Sweet V Confections

And what's halloween without some decorations? Check out these adorable plushies from Panda with Cookie!

Kitties love Halloween too! Let them celebrate in style with this festive kitty bed from Luna's Apawthecary.

And finally, don't forget to give yourself a little bit of flare! This adorable pumpkin pin from Vegancraftastic should do the trick.
Happy Halloween!
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