Sunday, April 11, 2010

Three Bulls, One Amazing Story.

Those of you who are regular readers will remember the three bulls who we saved from slaughter a few months back. The boys were headed for a terrible demise - except, of course, that they were under the watchful eye of friend and team mate Jodi. With the help of many friends Jodi managed to collect the funds necessary to rescue the animals, and has been sheltering them on her land ever since.

But oh life, it is full of surprises. Jodi and her partner, proprietors of This is It! Creations, have recently learned that they must move by the end of May. On top of all of the normal woes a couple faces upon moving, they also have the care of the bulls to consider.

But it seems that where a heart is willing, an answer will appear sooner or later. Hooves and Paws Animal Rescue in California has agreed to take in the bulls! However, there are issues of transportation to consider, and the rescue also needs funds for a permanent shelter for the animals.

So once again, the fundraising is on! Drop by the ChipIn site and remember, everything helps. As Jodi says, "Fingers crossed that we'll raise enough to get these 3 to a wonderful forever home... I am forever grateful to you all. Because of you, we saved 3 lives - and I know we can get them to a great home where they can live out their lives in peace." And she's offering a Spotty Friend note pad to anyone who donates $25 or more through the site. Win win? I think so.


陳哲毓念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界 said...

阿彌陀佛 無相佈施


之為腥。所謂「葷腥」即這兩類的合稱。 葷菜
(重定向自五辛) 佛家五葷



興渠另說為洋蔥。) 肉 蛋 奶?!

念楞嚴經 *∞窮盡相關 消去無關 證據 時效 念阿彌陀佛往生西方極樂世界

不婚 不生子女 生生世世不當老師

log 二0.3010 三0.47710.48 五0.6990 七0.8451 .85
root 二1.414 1.41 三1.732 1.73五 2.236 2.24七 2.646
=>十3.16 π∈Q' 一點八1.34

Embee Breedlove said...

In the past whenever we've gotten comments in characters they've been spam. this one doesn't have any links in it, but there's some awfully odd stuff happening at the bottom there. Can anyone help me out here?

heather said...

i copied this story and pasted it on my blog- but i gave you complete credit...hope that was ok (if not, let me know and i remove it- but i thought it would be helpful)- good luck!!

Embee Breedlove said...

Thanks Heather - that's totally awesome!